This issue has been agitating my mind for some time, having discovered it’s almost becoming a trend in Nigeria Christian community. My answer is very straightforward about the Korede Bello issue.
The bible states very unambiguously and clearly ” Friendship with the world is enmity to God? Whosoever therefore will be friend of the world is enemy of God…” (James 4:4).
For the sake of clarity, please permit me to look at the same scriptures in one or two more versions. Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God….New Living Translation (NLT). “…Do you not know that being the world’s friend is being God’s enemy? So whoever chooses to be a friend of the world takes his stand as an enemy of God….” (Amplified Bible).
Now I know all scriptures are given by the inspirations of the Holy Ghost and Apostle Peters did say no scriptures is ever of a single personal interpretation. So before some begin to argue that the above text I quoted was talking about adulterers, all scriptures are given by Holy Spirit for interpretation by Him also.
Having said that, Korede Bello is a young man I love personally, and have nothing against him. But it’s written here, that when we chose the way of the world, we have clearly chosen our paths; becoming an enemy of God. Please, there must be a clearly defined boundaries of who sings, and /or ministers in churches. Some of the questions that comes to mind are … Is he born again? Sanctified with the spirit of God and baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Also, let’s ask ourselves, what’s even the purpose of people singing in churches and Christian concerts? Where purpose is lacking, abuse is inevitable writes Francis Wale Oke in his book; The Power of the Holy Spirit. So I believe very strongly that one major purpose of choristers or Psalmists singing is to prepare the minds and hearts of the people for the word of God that is to come shortly; since we see in parable of the sower that the hearts of men is like a soil, and when the seed (which is the word of God) is sown, one of the factors that will determine the level of harvest yielded is the condition of the soil (hearts).
That’s why we have song ministrations to condition solely to prepare the hearts and make it expectant. So if that’s the case, what kind of songs will Korede Bello sing to achieve that? God wins? Sir, going through the book of Ezekiel also reveals that whosoever you listens to matter a lot. Ezekiel said… As he spake to me, behold the spirit enters into me and sets me upon my feet…” (Ezekiel 2:2 & 3:4).
So as singers ministers, even if he sings christian praise and worship songs, what kinds of spirits is he releasing to proliferates the church and lands on the people. Maybe this is why, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between born again sisters (and brothers alike) and someone who just goes to church. Maybe that’s why the character is nothing different from that of unbelievers. We ministers are fast turning the lord’s heritage, whom it took him his precious blood to purchase into business entity, and it’s rather unfortunate. This is why I always emphasize sir, when even the Christian singers began to use the word performs, instead of ministers. I have read many of their interviews, articles, where I see them using that word again, and again. And my thought was, really? So they performs now and not ministers? With all due respect, I have been under some meetings in the past sir, that after the choir or singing minstrels are done ministering, the Word minister couldn’t even preach anything.
The whole place would have been taken over by the spirit of God who have been adequately worshiped, and his majestic presence provoked by the worship of his people “…For thou art holy, you who inhabits the praises of his people…(Psalms 22:4). So, if we know that God is the ultimate doer of his works in the lives of the people, (Not any preacher or pastor) and we are bent on invoking his presence, we will know the kind of music rendered in our programs, and kind of people invited to do such rendition. Sir, I wish to submit by saying, I tells people often that the only difference that makes the difference between church gatherings/ programs and others like clubs, parties, is the Presence of Almighty God. If he is not there, we might spend hours and do all manners of spiritual gymnastics, it’s sheer of wasting of time, energy and resources. And the ministers who knows their onions do all it takes to secure his presence. But I think today in the word of a very senior man of God, one of the older generation, DR. Ayodele, said in Houston recently, that churches in this generation has been reduced to ABC… Meaning; Attendance, Building and Cash.
Sir, a time is coming, and very near that judgment will begin from the house of God. God bless you, and empowers his church, in Jesus Name. Amen!
Pastor Olusola Fabunmi is the Shepherd of Divine Connection Center, Houston, Texas.
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