

Lanre Teriba Atorise Re-Unite with his band members in USA

Nigeria foremost Gospel singer Lanre Teriba aka Atorise who started his Europe Tour since last month May 3rd will again be featuring in a big concert in New York City on 6th of June. 

Atorise re-unite with his band members whom he left behind in the state many years ago and they were so happy to see each others again in the state. These guys are doing so well in over there.

 According to Atorise " My fans should expect the best of all performance from me ". Don't Miss it.

See more of their re-union pictures below.....

Atorise & his boys
Atorise & his backup singer
Atorise & his talking drummer
Tokunbo, Atorise's female backup singer
Atorise & his Manager
Bolaji Arijo & D Bayewu Brothers

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