


Anointing + Skill =?
I am not known for mathematics though am not too much of an alien towards quantitative matters as a Practicing Accountant. The equation in question here is of great essence as it surpasses all academy prowesses. Attempting to solve this equation cannot be without identifying the guiding rules within the context of its application i.e. MUSIC. You would be aware that music ministry is one ministry that requires the two inseparable elements or items that is been summed up in this equation, Anointing and Skill. Anointing according to Strong’s concordance means (unction; by implication a consecratory gift: - to be anointed, ointment). I like to drawn our attention to ‘consecratory gift’ as stated by the concordance, when you are anointed, you are set aside, you noted for a special assignment. Did you notice that it is said to be a Gift? You are actually set aside by God not by your qualifications and prowess’s, you wealth of natural abilities, nor your beauties and handsomeness’s, No! Anointing is a gift given by choice. God Almighty ironically is looking for vessels to carry this gift of consecration, if only he would find, the profile of the fellow that would qualify for the gift is usually not in accordance to our own dictates and requirements, He only always is looking for willing vessels to consecrate for His use, to be anointed of God is by His own choice, His selection.
Unlike skill, this literally means to have intelligence, knowledge or diligence. Skill must be acquired and developed; it does not come spontaneously but rather cautiously. If you have it, it is not easily taken away from you, where you do not have it, then, you do not have it. In any area of life skill is required to stand out, in context of our equation, Skill is an important factor, like l always teach in seminars and workshops I have not seen anyone who got into music ministry and pick up any instrument without prior knowledge, jumped on it and start playing skilfully at first touch, skill must have to be acquired over a period no matter how long or short the duration. God commanded skill acquisition in music ministry Psa 33:3 Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise. To acquire skill easily is possible through God the giver of all good gifts. The four Hebrew brothers had great need for skill to stand out, God gave them; Dan 1:17 As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all … it is important to know of a fact that God is willing to help us in music ministry in every areas of need acquisition than to continually operate in mediocrity of always ‘God will help us syndrome’ as we try to substitute Anointing for Skill. Grouping our equation, you will see summation to the left hand side and not substitution.
While we see Anointing to be a free gift, Skill is a conscious compulsory acquisition of knowledge, it comes with a price! Different levels of skill acquisition is necessary to play different type of instrument of music and generally function within music ministry, time must be dedicated to acquire these required skills as it tell on you, on how far you can go in ministry, it does not matter the volume of the free gift in terms of anointing God has given to you. 2Ch 34:12 …the Levites, of the sons of Merari; and Zechariah and Meshullam, of the sons of the Kohathites, to set it forward; and other of the Levites, all that could skill of instruments of music. I have personally come to discover that the attitude of many Christian musicians towards worship is like a worldly musicians who has been contracted to either perform in a show or play to entertain audience, yet this supposed worldly musician still go about his/her assignment with all diligence while we in the body do not. Worship of God has suffered so much as a result of the separation of these two inseparable in our equation i.e ANOINTING + SKILL, everyone in this noble ministry must pray to possess the two. When King Saul fell victim to dark depressing moods and was troubled by evil spirit, he requested a search for an ANNOINTED SKILLFUL Player of an instrument (Harp precisely). Bible records that the player sought for, was a comely man, whom the Lord was with and not just a skillful man. When he ministered unto Saul, the evil spirit left him. We need both the anointing and skill to minister effectively in this ministry.
The danger of unsatisfied skill is clearly seen in the story of pre-falling of Lucifer Eze., 28:12-19. Lucifer was the anointed cherub that covered the throne of God. He was the chief of the worship angels who were constantly around the throne. When he fell (through pride) perhaps the throne was left uncovered, and man was created to take his place as worshipper of God. As part of Lucifer’s ministry, it appears that he was given great skill in playing instruments; he plays three instruments that typify the three basic categories of acoustic instruments known to man. The Lucifer Spirit is the spirit of an individual who because of his talents & abilities, begins to think he is more important than he really is. This happens a lot with associate pastors and Worship/Music leaders. Its especially common when the ‘worship/music leader’ gifts and abilities are a little more polished than those of the people who have authority over him or her, brethren this spirit should be greatly avoided as much as possible because such spirit is one enemy of our ministry, it destroys. Lucifer spirit divides, it is a spirit that fosters conflicts and strives. There had been cases where singers are better speakers than Senior Pastors, thereby making the singers receive flattery of the people, they are fed with the idea that they are better than those in authority over them. SANCTIFY YOUR SKILL! Unsanctified Skill usually resorts in pride. This is a spirit that destroys; it is bound up in the Lucifer spirit. “God resist the proud and gives grace to the humble”, for any man to have a great fall, he must have been influenced by pride, distorted image of the word EGO. The dictionary defines ego as the self, l call it self-confidence, and you need your ego. A brutalized ego leads to timidity, a timid person cannot be at his best for any purposeful activity, so your ego give you the self-approvals that you need before stepping out, but you must always KEEP YOUR EGO IN CHECK! “Ego or the self, can be sanctified for God’s purpose” – Ron Kenoly. A sanctified ego is knowing and being confidence in what you are capable of doing. After all “you can do all thins through Christ”. If the ego is left uncontrolled and not sanctified it lead to pride, therefore keep your ego in check. The testimony of David in 1 Sam. 16:18 states clearly; “David was cunning musician, a mighty, valiant man, a man of war, intelligent in counsel, comely, and with the Lord on his side” (1 Sam. 19:18-24). What a testimony! Every musician should strive after such attributes. He has the ability to minister in the Spirit v.23 He has spent time with Samuel at the school of prophets, and had learnt much about the music ministry 1 Sam. 19:18. We all should strive for this kind of testimony from both MAN and GOD. There is always a better substitute if YOU fall out, I pray you will not FALL-OUT. Where these two factors are well blended together in any person(s), its results into something great. Skills include vocal projection, for vocalists their vocal folds is their best instrument, improve on it. In Jdg 5:1 Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying; we you dare to sing God will dare to surprise you, there are enough testimonies of God to sing about, Like Deborah and Barak Jdg 5:2-5 Praise ye the LORD for the avenging of Israel, when the people willingly offered themselves. Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes; I, even I, will sing unto the LORD; I will sing praise to the LORD God of Israel. LORD, when thou wentest out of Seir, when thou marchedst out of the field of Edom, the earth trembled, and the heavens dropped, the clouds also dropped water. The mountains melted from before the LORD, even that Sinai from before the LORD God of Israel. The point here is like one of my mentors would say (Bishop Oyedepo) ‘WHATEVER YOU THANKED GOD FOR, CANNOT FAIL’ what about when you now thanked Him skilfully? Another well-presented vocal duet like Deborah and Barak was Paul and Silas something for our tenor and bass part singers. Done under great anointing something explosive would naturally happen Act 16:25 …Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God…, 26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. Hey! Are you still with me here? Your bounds are broken NOW as practise this equation in Jesus name. It shall come to be that the survival of your enemies and their watch guard of your live shall be at your options. Hear Paul 27-28… And the keeper of the prison awaking out… he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, do thyself no harm, for we are all here. As you minister to God and others in your music ministry adopting this great equation, Go will in turns minister back to you in Jesus name. Finally as we work out our equation I like to encourage you to do everything within your reach to develop your left hand side of this equation, if you are already skilful, do everything to acquire Anointing. And if you belief God already deposited some quantum of grace upon your ministry please do not stop developing your skills regardless of your choice of instrumentations. When you successfully resolve your left hand side of the equation, what you must have on the right hand side shall always be HIS PRESENCE. Nothing stands His presence, the mountains, valleys, death, sicknesses, poverty, limitations, and economic crunch, name it they dare not.

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